About us

The story of our team, 13 years and going strong…….for Elvis!


Big journey ahead!

When I stood at the Circle G Ranch for the first time in August 2010 and made that promise to Elvis and to myself that I would do whatever I could to save his ranch or at least have his time there commemorate, I had no idea of the journey ahead…….

Lesley Pilling….Founder & Director

Raising awareness

Our first task was to raise the  profile of the ranch and get Elvis’ fans around the world to realise that we were in danger of losing the ranch and having nothing to show Elvis had been there at all.

Over the next few years we were successful in doing that and have support on every continent and from Elvis’ friends and family who understand how important the ranch was to him at a very significant time in his life…..

Sept 2021

We Did It!

On Sept 8 2021, after a lot of hard work from the team and the support of Elvis fans from around the world we were very proud to erect the Historic marker at Elvis’ Circle G ranch….the first Mississippi Historic Marker to be sponsored  internationally,  This was made possible by the support of Elvis fans around the world and particularly the fans from the Memphis Mansion in Denmark.

The dedication ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Horn Lake and Elvis’ first cousin Donna Presley, both of whom have been very supportive of our efforts.

Click the link to see a short video with. Story of the ranch and the dedication ceremony.


What’s Next?

Our Petition.....

August 2023 saw the start of our new initiative to try to move things forward to secure the future of The Circle G Ranch.  The owners have shown no signs of taking any steps to make good their promises to repair, preserve and protect the ranch...quite the opposite in fact.

Full details of our petition is on our Home page...it is only with the help and support of Elvis fans around the world that we will be able to make the people in positions of power step in to help.

Watch for more details of how we will move forward with our petition...we will need your help and support again.


The Circle G Experience
Our Vision For The Future of The Circle G Ranch.

A New Presentation document.

August 2023

We have just completed our presentation document which clearly outlines our Aims and Objectives and how the ranch could be sympathetically developed and not only benefit Elvis fans and his legacy but also the local community of Horn Lake.

The document will be available later in the year.

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